Illustration of a Muslim child sleeping while hugging the Quran. Create a cartoon of a Muslim boy and girl, without facial features (eyes, nose, mouth). Include beautiful Bold text that says: ‘Hai Nak, Tidurlahh… Tidak Ada Perayaan.’ Clean, soft, and comforting illustration design., Illustration design

A clean and soft illustration of a Muslim boy and girl sleeping while hugging the Quran. The boy is lying on his left side with the Qur...

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A cat holding board with text “Get Free 10 Credits AIVisua”, having greif express, with white speech bubble saying “Create Facebook Status about AIVisua”, there is a captivating green button in the bottom center of design with text “Yes, I Want!”, sad yet funny vibes, Illustration design

A photo of a cat holding a whiteboard with the text "Get Free 10 Credits AIVisua". The cat is wearing a green vest with the AIVisua log...

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Karakter 3D a human shape like anak kecil laki laki tanpa mata eyeless no eye dengan pakaian muslim, sedang mencium tangan a human shape like mom yang memakai hijab tanpa mata eyeless no eye . Terdapat tulisan “Birrul Walidain” dengan style font comic, colorful, energic, disney style 3d render

A 3D render of a scene with a human-shaped anak kecil laki laki with no eyes, wearing a Muslim outfit. He is kissing the hand of a huma...

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